Sunday, March 8, 2009

Some Speculations Might Be True...

Well folks...I was home some for my spring break and I since I don't really go out at all when I'm home, I made some attempts to do so over this past weekend. Out of those attempts, I witnessed 3! pretty intense fights. That's crazy right?!?! People just don't know how to just chill and have fun anymore without starting some sh!*. Some of us still do tho. That just goes to show you that you have to really have to be aware of things and know where you're going. Be cool out there...and stay safe

I gave this post that title because, where I'm from, my city gets a lot of bad looks due to the violence that occurs there. I guess it's because I'm from there that I don't really notice how crazy and out of hand things can get...besides the fact that I hear it all the time and every time I tell someone where I'm from I get the "Oh damn...I heard a lot of bad things about that city" look LOL. In all, I really can say..."Some Speculations Might Be True..."

Oh yea, I forgot to mention that I was from Durham...

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